Monday, September 20, 2010

Added M/f Spanking Story Page

I'm experimenting with new ways to lay this blog out, since I have to rebuild it. Today I added a page for free M/f spanking stories and erotica. I posted one of the stories I wrote for 'Whipping Girls' , about first time spanking experiences in an adult context.

Check it out here:



  1. Bummer to see that your old blog disappeared, I know how mych work you put into it. As always, I think you're one of the most talented BDSM writer's out there. You have a very real 'voice' in your writing. Your stories turn me on, especially the one you posted on the new page, and I think they turn me on all the more because they make me think. Three Cheers!

  2. Oh No, Victoria, your blog! I mean, the new design looks great- but what happened?? Please if possible include Mistress Stone and I in your links again, we love you :-)

  3. Feel free to use any of the stuff we've already shared- k? :-)

  4. Hi good to see you back online. I'm pleased that you feel able to think about blogging once again. You are so talented and so perceptive in your writing......the story you posted here about your first spanking is A1.

    Be good or else you know what will be coming the way of your lovely bottom!


  5. I appreciate the thoughts guys. In my frustration I set it aside for a long time again, but keep an eye because I seem to be in the mood again. LOL. It never fails.
